
Showing posts from October, 2014

How to Enable and toggle Darkmode in Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite using keyboard shortcut

How to Enable and toggle Darkmode in Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite using keyboard shortcut This can be done by editing  .GlobalPreferences.plist in /Library/Preferences/ .GlobalPreferences.plist will be hidden , if you want to access file use apps like  you can download it from here   original site is here Open  up Terminal then paste the following command line and hit Enter "Return Key"  it will ask for your admin password , enter your password and hit Return key  done   sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist _HIEnableThemeSwitchHotKey -bool true you can confirm it by opening  .GlobalPreferences.plist from /Library/Preferences/  now logout your Mac(Hackint0sh) and re login  then press these keys  CTRL + OPT + CMD + T  Congrats you have successfully added short...

Navdy HUD (Head-Up Display) , Driving in The Future

Navdy is designed to give you relevant information at a glance and the power to respond to that information with voice and touch-less gesture controls. Its core features include: Showing turn-by-turn navigation instructions in real time. Displaying information about your car such as your current speed, RPM or fuel economy. Safer display of text messages and other notifications from your phone. Accepting and initiating calls without looking at your phone. Playing, pausing, and skipping music streaming from your phone. Navdy has no buttons, other than the power button. While you’re driving you’ll be able to control Navdy entirely with voice and touch-less gesture controls. Configuration (such as adjusting preferences or installing new apps) is done through your smartphone between trips. AND VOICE RECOGNITION Ask Navdy to "compose new tweet", "write new text" or "call mom" using the voice commands you're already familiar wit...

How to install wget in Mac OSX using Homebrew

How to install wget in Mac OSX using Homebrew install Homebrew first Then type following command line in the terminal     $ brew install wget     installation will end fine

How to install Homebrew in Mac OSX

How to install Homebrew  in Mac OSX ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" Type above given command in the terminal  hit return key  type your password this will take some time  and you will get this as result 

How to Install & configure iLO, HP Integrated Lights Out (iLO) on Android

go to Google play and search HP iLO or here is the link to Google Play   Supported servers HP ProLiant Gen8 Servers HP ProLiant G7 Servers Supported mobile operating systems Android 2.2 or greater iOS 4.3 or greater Manage Operate the server power switch Use the Remote Console to interact with the operating system, including BIOS and ROM configuration changes Mount an ISO CD/DVD image. The disk image is available on the server as a USB CD/DVD drive. You can boot from the disk image and deploy an operating system Launch HP iLO scripts and monitor their progress Access the iLO web interface Store the list of servers you want to manage install it and launch it  after launching the application click  configure iLO option add assigned ip for iLO  Login name and password click done after adding the details  click the iLO ip  you will get 3 options  Remote Cons...

Intelligent Provisioning 1.60 breaks 2008 R2 install (will not accept product key during setup)

Intelligent Provisioning 1.60 breaks 2008 R2 install (will not accept product key during setup) On HP Proliant ML 310e V2 Gen8 / DL380p Gen8 servers to install 2008R2 /2014R2 using IP 1.60.  After the GUI for Windows setup starts, it fails on the autounattend.xml that IP 1.60 generates on the ProductKey. After the setup fails it drops you back to a command prompt in WinPE in the command prompt type the following command notepad c:\autounattend.xml  this will now open up autounattend.xml in notepad now press ctrl + f and search for the string ProductKey just below this string insert a new line contains the string "only the tags" now save the file then type the command to begin the installation process x:\Windows\Hpssbem.exe  installation will end fine :)